evoR2rito Plataform GE


1-Generation of Genotypes and Phenotypes:
Click on “Setup Evnironment”, this generates genotypes that appear in “multi_genotype” with their respective phenotypes that appear in “multi_phenotype”, these phenotypes are generated taking two bits
and passing it through the “gramers” matrix, starting from row 0 and if it remains with an incomplete phenotype, it takes again the views of the genotype from the beginning.

2-Robot configuration:
In “genotypes-to-run” you can add lists of phenotypos to run as a sequence, for each row a robot is generated, phenotypos range from 1 to 10 and are separated by commas.

3-Editing the map:
You can Edit with the buttons by selecting some of the “Draw Wall”, “Target” and “Eraser” tools, then click on “Draw” and edit it at your discretion, to stop click on “Draw” again.

4-Robot startup:
Click on “Run-Controllers” to start and click again to stop all robots previously configured.
You can run a particular phenotype by loading the genotype by selecting it with “Number” and adding it with “Load_Genotype”, then running with “Run-Controller”.
You can change the speed of robots with the speed bar “ms”.

5-Save score:
Se puede dar un puntaje a las gramaticas de 1 a 10 previamente esta tiene que estar seleccionada con “Number” y “Load_Genotype”.

A grammar is selected with “Number” and “Load_Genotype”, then the bit to mutate is selected in “bit-position” and the “Mutate” button is pressed, this will be automatically saved in “multi_genotype”.

Two genotypos “parent-1” and “parent-2” are selected, then click on “Load”, then select the bit cut position “Bit_Position” and click on “Crossover”, we see how it would be in "crossover_1_genotype “and” crossover_2_genotype “and they can be replaced with the” replace-1 “and” replace-2 "buttons


University University of Limerick, Ireland
Laboratory Biocomputational and Developmental System (BDS)
Head Conor Ryan
Author1 Enrique Naredo
Author2 Lucas Agustin Gonzalez
Date March 2020
Version 5.0.0 GE